Table of Contents
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 139 | add an else for nonstandard/optional metadata fields |
TODO | 2031 | move the style to a css file... or something. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 75 | caching |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 1077 | move the style to a css file... or something. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 470 | DIR filter by involvement member type |
TODO | 472 | DIR make sure involvement members have synced recently |
TODO | 487 | DIR make sure this actually works with external partials. |
TODO | 488 | DIR provide an alternate if there are no people available. |
TODO | 1439 | use something a little more intelligent (head first) |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 8 | sort out what goes here, and what goes in Meetings. |
TODO | 92 | alternatives to meetingid |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 242 | restore? |
TODO | 243 | restore? |
TODO | 581 | this should possibly be moved to ajax for better caching -- especially if only used for RSVP. |
TODO | 931 | move to somewhere more conducive to the API data model. (Utilities, probably?) -- Is this ever actually called? |
TODO | 945 | validate that request is only coming from allowed referrers... or something like that. |
TODO | 1289 | remove defunct res codes |
TODO | 1341 | remove defunct campuses (including all of them, if disabled) |
TODO | 1348 | allow this taxonomy to be applied to other post types as an option. |
TODO | 1429 | remove programs that no longer have a division selected for use as a term. |
TODO | 1430 | remove program & div terms that are no longer present in TouchPoint |
TODO | 1657 | Sad, but works. i18n someday. |
TODO | 1783 | remove all options. |
TODO | 1784 | remove all taxonomies (maybe) |
TODO | 1785 | remove all posts |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 171 | MULTI |
TODO | 437 | SOMEDAY This really should be in a sandbox if that were possible. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 382 | MULTI |
TODO | 440 | MULTI |
TODO | 497 | MULTI |
TODO | 532 | MULTI |
TODO | 802 | MULTI |
TODO | 1170 | MULTI |
TODO | 1188 | MULTI |
TODO | 1254 | MULTI |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 274 | add hook for custom color algorithm. |