Table of Contents
- api
- API Interface
- geo
- For classes that have geographic attributes, or potential geographic attributes
- module
- This is a base interface for all feature classes.
- updatesViaCron
- Interface to standardize items that are updated with Cron.
- Auth
- Allows users to login to WordPress with their TouchPoint credentials, and provides other user management
- EventsCalendar
- Provides an interface to bridge the gap between The Events Calendar plugin (by ModernTribe) and the TouchPoint
mobile app.
- ExtraValueHandler
- Manages the handling of Extra Values. Items that support Extra Values MUST use the ExtraValues Trait.
- Involvement
- Fundamental object meant to correspond to an Involvement in TouchPoint
- Involvement_PostTypeSettings
- Contains the settings for a single Involvement Post Type. This is instantiated as an array of these objects.
- InvolvementMembership
- Connect a Person to an Involvement
- Location
- A Location is generally a physical place, with an internet connection. These likely correspond to campuses, but
don't necessarily need to.
- Meeting
- Handle meeting content, particularly RSVPs.
- Partner
- An Outreach partner, corresponding to a family in TouchPoint.
- Person
- The Person class connects a WordPress User with a TouchPoint Person.
- Report
- The Report class gets and processes a SQL or Python report from TouchPoint and presents it in the UX.
- Rsvp
- This class provides the RSVP functionality for Meetings.
- TouchPointWP
- Main plugin class.
- TouchPointWP_AdminAPI
- Admin API class.
- TouchPointWP_Exception
- An Exception class.
- TouchPointWP_Settings
- The Settings class - most settings are available through the default getter.
- TouchPointWP_WPError
- An Exception class.
- Cleanup
- Used for data cleanliness and maintenance tasks.
- Geo
- Utility class for geographical attributes and calculations. Not to be confused with the geo interface.
- Http
- Utility class for HTTP status codes. Functionally an enum.
- PersonArray
- A collection of people, easily cast to string.
- PersonQuery
- Wrap the UserQuery class such that the returned object is a Person instead of a User.
- Session
- This class wraps handlers for $_SESSION to make it more easily workable.
- Utilities
- A few tools for managing things.
- extraValues
- Enables a class with Extra Values
- jsInstantiation
- Used for client-side instantiation
- jsonLd
- Some items should be indexable by search engines using standards such as JSON-LD. This trait provides the base
variables and interface for standard generation of this markup.